#MOOCS: innovating practice create a lot of debate…
#MOOCS: innovating practice create a lot of debates at #WISE13, still much of way to go to change the way we teach & learn
#MOOCS: innovating practice create a lot of debates at #WISE13, still much of way to go to change the way we teach & learn
RT @gsiemens: 67% of UK students want to learn to code. Only 3% do @msurman #wise13
RT @goizlyon: #MOOC: ” do not forget that the teaching is massive but the learning is individual” #WISE13 @euronews_LW
#MOOCs: “The harware is great, the software are great but we miss the human-ware” “we must focus on Pedagogy” (Pr Obanya, WAEC) #WISE13
#MOOCs: “Difficult to think out of the box in countries where the box is not even there” (F. Marmolejo, world bank) #WISE13
Le fondateur de Mozilla souligne l’importance de s’approprier les outils numériques, comparant le web à un jeu de lego @v23id @ScPoResearch